Monday, February 18, 2008

Description Paragraph

Author's Note: This is the fifth paragraph I have written for my COM 105 class in which I scored a 5/5 or an A letter grade, on. Also, yes I've been watching too much of Lost. :)

Description Paragraph

I could tell by looking in the room that a spirit lives here. As I opened the door, a blast of musty air hit me in the face causing me to crinkle my nose. I looked around and saw a dimly lit room, the only light source being an oil lamp on a grungy, wooden table in the center. I entered the room and closed the door behind me noticing that I was leaving foot prints on the dusty, old and creaking, wooden floor. There also appeared to be only one window, and it could barely be called that as it was very grimy and had small breaks here and there in the single pane of glass that it was made of. The room suddenly gets cold and I can see my breath before me as I began to become anxious and look towards the door, frantically hoping I was still alone. At this point I heard it, a soft groan that seemed of loneliness and a creak that accompanied it. I spun around and saw an old rocking chair next to the table rocking back and forth and a ghostly apparition sitting within, softly outlined by the oil lamp on the table next to it. It merely nodded at my presence and muttered one word “stay”. I stood there motionless and caught my breath, knowing, for the first time, that I was in a room that only a spirit could reside.

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