Monday, February 18, 2008

Argument Paragraph

Author's Note: This is the seventh paragraph that I have completed for my COM 105 class and I received a 5/5 or an A letter grade on it.

Argument Paragraph

Barack Obama is the best candidate for the next presidency because of his ability to draw people from all sides, has the best foreign policy ideals, and because of his progressive health care plan. Barack Obama has an uncanny ability to talk in ways that appeal to voters from all sides of the debate. While I believe he is a very progressive candidate, he has gone to great lengths to sound like a moderate and has succeeded in bringing independent voters as well as moderate Republicans to the progressive side of the debate in hopes of bridging some of the divisions in this country and getting it moving in the right direction again. When it comes to foreign policy, Barack Obama has the right ideas to continue moving us forward in the global world as well as regaining our respect from it. He is willing to actually talk to other foreign leaders and try diplomacy first, especially with certain leaders that are seen as the “axis of evil”, or other leaders that have not cooperated with us in the past. This, in my opinion, is the best foreign policy to have, since I believe that we can resolve some of our differences if we will just listen to each other instead of continuing the usual failed foreign policy of shooting first and asking questions later. Last but not least, Barack Obama has a very progressive policy for health care in the United States. While Hillary’s and his plan have minute differences and are both a gateway to single payer health care, one of the things I think this country truly needs to continue to succeed, I think Barack Obama’s has the right message behind it when it comes to not making it a mandate and will be something that can be used to sell single payer health care easier to the American public and eventually ease us into it. All in all, Barack Obama is the right presidential candidate for America if it wishes to continue to succeed and be a respected global leader of the 21st century.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good paragraph!!!!!!