Wednesday, July 23, 2008

God's Right Arm

So, to update from the previous post about God's Right Arm, I am officially abandoning the project since it is too much like the Witchblade comics (which I do plan to read some day), which are now graphic novels. What's funny is that I have never read that story, I just saw a few images from the television series and had a mental image in my mind of that type of character in the world I was dreaming up, unfortunately it's almost the exact same world that Sara Pezzini lives in, so I need to start from scratch, which is a real bummer since I had quite a few pages in one notebook filled up and was adding on to that in an almost daily fashion.

All is not lost though since the heroine is one of those type of characters that I have had running around in my head for awhile now and has also been in numerous stories that I have cooked up but have yet to put down on paper, so it's only a matter of time before she returns in something a bit more flattering and original. Most of the material I had laid out was bits and pieces from another idea I had awhile back, so that will be able to be reused too, I will just have to go back to the original idea, which I think I liked more anyways with that material.

Anyways, I plan to start another project soon that I can do on a daily basis so I can help keep my writing up and will share it on my new website, so look for updates on there from time to time as well.

Ok, back to the drawing board, and sorry for getting some people's hopes up that were looking forward to the story being fleshed out more, but I guarantee that if you start reading Witchblade you'll understand my decision.

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