Monday, January 28, 2008

New Beginnings

So I've switched to a Google blogger account instead of having my own website to deal with, which should in theory allow me to post more (so a post once every four months instead of six now). I will probably play with the templates some as time gos on, but for now what I have selected now will work.

Another great thing about switching to a Google blogger, I think it's a good idea anyways, is that I can start all over from fresh and re-write some of my past works (short stories, poems, etc.), or not, as I see fit, without having to worry about different copies of the same work on the blog and naming them according to their draft revision.

Expect more political posts as the '08 Presidential race goes into full swing and discussing more some of my views on certain subjects.

I also plan to post some of my works from college, especially once I get into my bachelors degree at IUPUI.

Hopefully this will work out for me in the long run and I will want to post more, and I also hope that this helps out what few readers I had before as well as grow that base in the future.

Enjoy the read.

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